Rock Climbing in India

Rock climbing is an activity in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. The goal is to reach the summit of a formation or the endpoint of a usually pre-defined route without falling. Due to the length and extended endurance required and because accidents are more likely to happen on the descent than the ascent, rock climbers do not usually climb back down the route. It is very rare for a climber to downclimb, especially on the larger multiple pitches.

Rock climbing is booming right now, and why not. It’s great exercise, fun, and social. Here’s the beginner rock climbing gear you need to get started.

Climbing is going up, in all directions. In the last five years, untold numbers of outdoors-people and urban folks have picked up the sport, with 40 climbing gyms opening across the U.S. last year alone and participation increasing indoors and at the crags.

The Artificial Rock Climbing Wall is a chance for individuals to experience the challenge and triumph of scaling a wall, without actually having to head out into the great outdoors. Instead, we put together an artificial structure that allows them to climb to their hearts’ content in an urban setting.We offer two variations – a modular wall and a mobile version. The modular wall is a 30ft high x 24ft wide structure (with variable height) that allows six individual to participate simultaneously, and offers rock climbing and rappelling experiences of varying levels of difficulty. The mobile wall is a much smaller rock climbing wall, 20ft x 6ft, which allows only two people at a time, one on either side. Both formats are quick and easy to set up (8 – 18 hours, depending on the chosen format) and transport.

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